Hi, I'm Bear!

Welcome to my virtual bear cave!

I'm so glad you chose to stop on by my neck of the woods. Feel free to share some berries with me or we can just do what I like to do and hang out in the sunshine.

Do you want to listen to any music? I'll play you a little tune or we can listen to CDs together, just as long as you handle the disks since I always scratch them with my claws.

Not interested? Fair enough. Well, enjoy your stay and don't be a stranger. Take your time exploring and leave a little note in my guestbook if it intrigues you.

drawing of a black bear standing on its back legs, wearing a red backpack and holding a yellow plastic lunchbox

This is my first time making a website so it's not very complex, but I'm proud nonetheless! I tried to make it accessible and functional on different devices but please leave me a message in my guestbook if anything needs adjusting. I'm still learning after all.

This website has no flashing or blinking but does feature animated gifs.